Sunday 18 December 2011

week 5: About Network

   In this week, my lecture taught me about basic networking concepts. I am the one for first time who get this kind of course material. First I did not understand what is it about but after she explained more about it and also there was debate session about wired and wireless, I understand what is it about. In this week, we just focus learn about the differences between LAN, MAN and WAN. From these lessons, I have got to know about the definition about it, the area which can be connected with these types of computer network and the uses of them. I have just known that AIU and my cell phone use Metropolitan Area Network, for office network school they use Local Area Network and for Wide Area Network, it uses a combination of satellites fiber optic and microwave.




  1. gan internetnya mana kok gk ada..
    trus penjelasan tentang LAN,MAN,WAN<internet d kasi' ya gan...
    makasih.. :)

  2. OK,., thanks ur advice,., I will add some articel about network later,. bcs i have a lot assgnments to do

  3. How can be connect LAN network to WAN network.

    android call recorder
