Sunday 3 April 2016

What kind of person who can enter college?

Well, this session I want to discuss about the eligibility of person to enter college. Am I worthy enough to join in this University Life? Until now, this is very bothering me so much before I am going to sleep. When I see the education level diagram (the triangle shape), the education levels are getting narrow in specific areas on top level. It means from time to time, in fact, only certain student who has ‘ability’ can join in this level.

Well, it is like the natural selection. Hence, most of my teachers, my mom as well as my family members always remind me to study smart to persuade me to join in that level. Because they say, “if you are smart, you can easily join in higher education level!”.

Once I entered the University, all that hypothesizes are false! People who are smart, stupid, and lazy can join the University. Then what is the purpose of our study in University? Nothing, University is just the platform to pursue your dream. We can't guarantee to be successful even we join University. Your success in your hand.

Therefore, based on my personal view, these are might be the reasons why you are eligible to continue your studies in the higher level:

1.    Your Family is Rich

It can’t be denied that ‘money can buy everything”. You don’t need to be smart and intelligent enough to enter the college/university. Additionally, commercialization of education is more intensively discussed recently. Previously, they acknowledge that they are lazy and their families are rich.

I have asked for them," What will you do after finishing your bachelor degree?".

Easily, their answer was, “I will continue my master degree, if possible I want to do PhD too, then find a job or else I will just continue my family business". They won't think about the financial burden and job employment. Unfair? I think it is fair enough since we didn't choose in which family we were born. Bill Gates has said, "If you are born poor, it is not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake".

2.    Passionate

When you know where to go, you are willing to do something. Maybe, I am in this reason. I am not rich and not excessively keen but I am passionate. I have watched one interview in TV program, Ahmad Fuadi was asked, "What are the requirements to join the scholarship?".

Amazingly, his answer was, "You don't need to be smart. You need to be passionate of what you are doing. It is seen when you answer the question in the interview. Either you try to cheat your reason or make craps stories, the interviewers know the shapes of your heart."

It is proven when people are passionate doing something, that people may do several methodologies to complete the tasks. Even though they are not smart enough, but at least, they are not lazy. Maybe I could say "Laziness is the root of all diseases". Though, this dangerous disease sometimes attack me. Many of us have gone through this process. Until now, we are safe and some of us have graduated in the First Class, even people sometimes 'look down on us'.

3.    Intelligent

There is no doubt if people have intelligence in their brain might go to University easily. Many scholarships have offered them. Unexpectedly, some of them are not going to college/University. They prefer working to help their family, lack of scholarship information, and they don’t have passion.  Why do I say this? Because these are what I receive from my friends who I think they are smart. Indeed, I would do the same if I didn't get scholarship that time.

 So, which one?

I was thinking to put lucky as the last point, but I cannot measure the lucky since it is extraordinary thing that we ever had. The lecturers need high salary, therefore, the University should increase the academic cost. By the end of it, the student itself need high salary after graduate in order to claim the fees has been paid in University. This become a strong life cycle of life, everything about money.

The best things are when you are rich, you are smart/intelligent, and you are passionate. But, more or less, you can contribute to the society and be useful for people in need. Other than that, you are nothing as pieces of dust which fly on the air. Last but not least, this post is subjective and everyone has different views.
"Poor dignified, richly rewarding", Dahlan Iskan