Wednesday 22 February 2012

Data and Information

This week was the first week that I had learnt. Because almost 2 weeks our class was postpone and I thought I would have a busy job to do for this. Its mean I will have replacement class, combine of subject each week. That things can make my brain think harder to catch the subject.
This course about data and information. Do you know what is data and what is information ??. Most people say data and information are same meaning, but actually these are different even some of them are same. Data is uprocessing alphabet and number (entries) that make reader cant to understanding and concluding. Information is processing alphabet and number (entries) that arrange exactly true and make receiver can read and understand about the information is written (structure).

In today’s economic IT (Information Technology) has a big effect changing the economic and business practices. The problem was very complicated, for example 3000 people in queue to pay credit card. Each person need 4 minutes to completed. But now, we can pay from internet by i-banking (online), we just stay in our room using computer or handphone. We have a more time to do our job without thinking about queue. Also Poor quality of information, including lack of consistency, duplication, and out-of-date information.
