Saturday 12 September 2015

Are you afraid of programming?

OMG, I have programming class after this. I should't go to class!
Some and many of the students, especially students who take course in Computer Science, have to take a programming course in the first semester. We cannot skip from word 'Programming' if we take Computer Science. The more you skip the class, the more you get nothing from this course. Don't try to skip even one class. If you are late, try to come. Late is better than nothing, sometimes I do that. Programming is something which is really fun if we know the concept. The analogy for student who failed in programming is like

"a doctor who doesn't know how to inject medicine to the patients...."
Programming is a way we communicate to the computer. We tell the computer about to do some tasks in instructions. Computer doesn't know our language, we have to know the language of the computer which already standardized with some rules. At this point we have to have, at least, a passion to learn another computer languages.

"You have to fall in love with 'Programming' right now !"
What is love? I don't know what is love exactly. But in my opinion, love is something that we are passionate about. With love, you can 'sacrifice' to do something for the one you love. How? tell your mind, heart and your subconscious to love a bit in programming. It is the first thing that you have to do. If you cant fall in love in programming, then you cant proceed to the next step.

"My seniors always say that programming is very difficult, many of them had failed several times.."
Influence from other, especially 'The Senior' is very important. The human psychology is often to get change by outsiders. Mostly, junior get influenced by their senior that programming is the scariest thing in this course. Let me tell you why the senior always say such thing. It is because their senior are failing too in that course. Senior wants you to inherit that failure continuously. Do not listen to them about something which makes you down. Just listen to something which makes your brain boost.

"You have to do your own growing, no matter your grandfather was" - Abraham Lincoln
White Lion Lyrics
Success obviously comes from what we do. What you do, is what you deserve. I remember the lyrics of White Lion "When the Children Cry". I suggest you to start sitting on your chair and face your laptop then start typing codes. Just write simple codes from the internet or lecturer slides. The common issue with the student is they don't know where to start the code? Their mind has lost somewhere. Perhaps, it is basically their logic is weak. I suggest you to write a codes based on the requirement of the project. let me give you an example:

if the project needs to print out the output of asking their name, age, address, etc, just try to write only that. Then the next step is to think another process such as addition, subtraction, or anything. It will make you little bit easier where the program is going.

Understanding the concept by making an analogy in the real life. . .
This is really important for the students. Most of the students try to memorize all the codes but they don't understand the concept of programming. Consequently, in final exam the codes are lost due to brain formatting. It happened to me too in final exam three years ago. I was so panic because I was not ready to memorize all the codes which was written in the handout.

Then I'd changed my learning style. Perhaps, my learning style is visual and auditory. I listen to the lecturer and I try to get the idea what is happening in the real world though just little bit. Example, class is consist of method and data. I create a class named 'CAT", then I connect to the 'CAT' in the real world. The method is something related to the behavior of the cat such as walking, eating, and sleeping. The data of the cat is the name of the cat, age and skin color. Easy right? Please try to make an analogy that makes you understand.

Gather and ask your friends who know about programming. . .
Lastly, you can ask your friend and receive some suggestions about the program that you are writing. I usually ask my lecturer or my senior to consult about my program. But sometimes, the word 'ask' is full of ambiguity. They don't literally ask about the project, but they need them to write a code for them. It is totally unacceptable.

VOILA, bonne chance mes amis!
Here is some link to boost your knowledge

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