Sunday 29 June 2014

Late Civilization or Late Colonization?

I was having another conversations again with my Kenyan friend, Ali Adam, it was about problems in this world; War in Afghanistan, chaos in Libya and Egypt, and also Syria. So, what are the cause of these problems? Well, I think I've found words to describe this and we call it 'Late Civilization'. However, Late civilization has characteristics and effects to the society.

Why do we call this 'Late Civilization'? Civilization refers to state polities which combine these basic institutions, having one or more of each. It concentrates power, extending human control over both nature, and over other human beings. (Wikipedia, 2014). In other words, its about society that is "complex": characterized by practices in agriculture, works and housing, compared with other cultures, members of a civilization are organized into a variety of intricate division of labor in the social hierarchy structure. Mostly, that tragedy happened several hundred years ago when the people still built their society and implemented 3G (Gold, Gospel and Glory). But now, we can see it clearly from our eyes, that's why we call it 'Late'. The moment should happen hundred years ago but it 'Late' and it happens now.

  1. Colonization is the act of setting up a colony away from one's place of origin.


No Kindness

I still remember quote from Russian poetry Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko:
 “All values in this world are more or less questionable, but the most important thing in life is human kindness.”

Maybe you can ask about all human values in this world, but human kindness is the most important thing. Last time, I asked myself about," What if there is something to do (plan) behind their kindness? let say in order to get something that they pursue, they give everything they could give to the 'victims'. Then, the 'victims' will trust and follow the giver. Finally, the giver will get what they want". I realize that's not human kindness !!

'Alien' Freaking Language

Another characteristic of civilization or colonization is in language. Now, people is trying to 'show off' what they have, using another language in their society is freaking creepy. Imagine that you are sitting in cafe, and the waitress speak English to you," Excuse me madam/sir, what would you like to order?". Despite that you cant speak English, what will you do to that waitress? I would throw him/her with my tea !! Love your mother language, don't let other languages ruin your life and you culture.

Aims to Be a Winner

What is the goal of colonization or civilization? of course become the winner. Those who win, they will get what they planned. This last characteristic is determining everything. Sometimes they will do everything to pursue their plan: killing and destroying are the most common. We wish everything will be settle soon and encourage people to be aware of issues surrounding.